Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I think it's dead

I guess my enthusiasm for a news commentary blog never built up enough puff to make it to double digits. If you would like to save the blog, and for me to continue my sterling efforts, leave a comment. The more passionate the case for saving this blog, the better.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Bender Brewer Project

The Bender Brewer Project

God, I miss my shed sometimes.

New York driving not so bad

Link: Speeding essential, say bikers | The Courier-Mail

This one's great. I thought New York drivers were bad. Good to see Australia flying the flag too.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

BBC NEWS | Americas | Canadian leader makes Arctic trip

Link: Canadian leader makes Arctic trip

It looks like global warming may pay off for the Canadians after all!

This has been an interesting series of developments. A part of the world which was never accessible was unloved by everyone. Now that shipping and extraction of natural resources is a possibility, all of a sudden, everybody wants a piece.

It's time Australia invaded Antarctica just in case.

All the news that's fit to link

Welcome to Blokey News, sister blog of the now world-famous Blokey Blog.

The purpose of this blog isn't to talk about our life in NYC, but instead, to gather a collection of interesting news-related links and have a comment or two about them.

They may not be New York or even US related, and may not have much to do about every day life - which is why they don't belong in Blokey Blog.

Each blog entry will have a link at the top which will be the news story I'm talking about. The idea is that you click the link, read the story, read my comments, and then comment yourself.

I don't know how this will fly, but it's something that's been brewing for a while. See how it goes.

Tornado and Miserable Heat

Link to Gothamist: Tornado and Miserable Heat

Well I guess the crazy weather's back. It took me about two and a half hours to get to work this morning. The subway was badly affected, so everybody was out on the road. The roads were flooded, so the traffic was awful.

I don't know what the locals are going on about - live in Brisbane for a few years and you'll know what miserable heat really is. It looks like the heat of summer in New York lasts about 6 weeks, but around that, it's either freezing winter or lovely air conditioner weather.